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Samikchya Baskota
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Candidacy Position
Province 3 - Bagmati
Bibeksheel Sajha Party
Lawyer, Entrepreneur
Central Secretariat Member, Bibeksheel Sajha Party
Party Position
LL.M. (Corporate Law) Dean's Fellow- St. John's University, USA (2009) LL.B
  • 1. Secretariat Member- Bibeksheel Sajha Party (BSP) 2. Central Committee Member- BSP 3. Board Member- Women Entrepreneur's Association of Nepal (WEAN)
  • CEO, Co-founder- Baskota Group of Industries
  • Executive Director- BG Tea Bar
  • Founding Board Member- Nepal Institute for Urban and Regional Studies (NIURS)
  • CEO, Co-founder- Legal Counselling and Research Center Legal Consultant- Maharshi Vedic Institute
  • 1. Electoral candidate- Provincial election at Kathmandu Kshetra Number 1(Ka)- 2074 BS
  • 2. Co-ordinator- Bagmati Province (Bibeksheel Sajha Party)
  • 3. Barta Samiti Samyojak- Bibeksheel Sajha Party
  • 4. Rastriya Nari Swarna Samman- Awarded National Civil Development Society (2073 BS)"
  • 1. Corruption Mitigation, Good Governance and Service 2. Affordable, well managed public transportation and promotion of electric vehicles 3. Renaissance of Newa art and culture
  • 1. Zero tolerance to all forms of corruption in metropolitan and ward office 2. Digitalization of most of the public services 3. Discouraging political professional unions and their undue activities that hamper good governance aimed at smooth delivery of services 4. Collaboration with private agencies to manage affordable and well organized pubic transportation 5. Strengthening and mobilization of local 'Guthi' conservation committees for ensuring originality of historical, religious and local places 6. Renaissance of Newa art and culture, conservation of rivers and open space 7. Developing Kathmandu into 'Living Urban Museum'
  • 8. Establishing and ensuring adequate availability of public toilet/ restrooms in the city
  • 9. Making arrangement for free education up to class 12 in all community schools
  • 10. Appropriate waste disposal, drainage system
  • "

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